Sunday, June 7, 2015

I think that I'd be okay now with the kind of self-driving car that can let you have control back.

I think that I'd be okay now with the kind of self-driving car that can let you have control back. I've had software (Waze and Google Maps Navigation) make a number of poor routing choices both in initial routes and rerouting in heavy traffic. Those problems are probably solvable before these cars become common.

The purely driverless car like the cute little Google bug car would take longer for me to get used to, I think. While I would not consider grabbing the wheel when someone else is driving (unless, you know, they fell unconscious or something), I guess for now I want to know that I can take over if I see something going wrong.

However, I see that fear as irrational. Properly teched out, these cars can see more in all directions simultaneously, measure distance and speed more accurately, and respond more quickly than I will be able to. This would be true even if I were still at the top of my game in reaction time.

Yes, there will have to be decisions about liability. If I'm not in control of the car am I responsible for the accident? Who is? I think that at a certain level this will not be as big a problem if, for no other reason, there will probably be a lot fewer accidents.

The other issue is the "freedom" issue. Actually, I think it's more of a "control" issue. The argument goes something like "I want to be able to decide where to go and when. I want to be able to change my mind and follow my bliss." At the simplest level I'm sure that there will be an option to change your destination while en route.  The main problem is who in the car gets to make those decisions! I think that's a red herring, though. I think there's a fear that we'd be tracked everywhere we go and we'd lose the anonymity we (kind of) have while driving. Sorry folks, that horse has left the barn. (Google "license plate tracking ACLU" if you don't know what I'm talking about.)

Anyway, as someone who is aging and has had a vision scare (detached retina - repaired, thankfully) I'm looking forward (so to speak) to being able to have on-demand self-driving cars to get me where I need to be. I think this technology will be reliable and widespread and available in only a few years.

What do you think?

Originally shared by David Fuchs

In 1976 (yes, 1976), I heard my professor, one Don Norman, say pretty much the same thing.

In 1976 (yes, 1976), I heard my professor, one Don Norman, say pretty much the same thing.